Archive for the ‘McCain’ Tag

WSJ: McCain, Obama at Odds Over Debate Delay

From the WSJ: McCain, Obama at Odds Over Debate Delay

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama on Wednesday rejected a suggestion from Republican nominee John McCain that they postpone their first debate on Friday to focus on getting the financial bailout bill passed by Congress.

Obama made the right decision, this debate should happen as scheduled. McCain and Obama should get this bailout thing figured out before Friday night.

McCain’s Nixon Politics

From the Economist:

Richard Milhous McCain

Nixon’s original insight remains as true now as it was in the late 1960s: lots of liberals do, indeed, look down on flyover Americans as stump-toothed imbeciles and, for some strange reason, lots of flyover Americans resent them for it. What is more, the culture wars have intensified since Nixon’s last election, supersized by the Roe v Wade decision on abortion in 1973.

I, like many Americans & The Economist, thought this election was going to be a major change. Both canidates had been willing to talk across party lines and debate the issues and getting things done instead of the usual partisan attacks. How wrong we all were. This article makes a similar point and relates the Republican strategy to that used by Nixon in ’72.

The question for McCain supporters is if this is what he now agrees and beleives in, or if he is just saying these things in order to win. Can we count on the history of McCain or the campaign?